The end of the world
will never end you,
though your promise and posture
is achingly blue

Falling apart
Is a colourful way
To expose the heart
And let expectancy stay

Faded disappointment
And empty grey
Will move on to the ones
Who push them away

Let it be 
Fly away 
If it's real
It will stay 

- mads xx

Behind the poem:
It's about how being broken is colourful, and colour is beautiful, right, and much needed. Life is colourful and each shade makes it more so. The way to become grey is push the colours away, mistaking them for failure, inadequacy, or the end. It is never the end, it is only another colour you become. Disappointment and shame only become yours when brokenness is suppressed for fear that it is black, ugly, or horribly grey. The brokenness is the brightest shade of blue, and sometimes it is best to let it be, and to embrace it as another piece of the rainbow you are yet to be. 


  1. Wow, this was such a beautiful poem. I agree that everyone needs color in their life, and needs that little bit of broken. But we can't become grey and punish ourselves for making our mistakes.
    I'll keep this poem in mind :-)


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